Corridor Web Agency
Business Name
Business Address
Current Website URL (if applicable)
Business Domain name (if applicable)
Business Logo (if applicable)
Tell us about your project. What is the main goal of the website? Who is your target audience? The more information you can provide, better
For Profit: Who are your director competitors? Non Profit: Name some peer organizations that are similar to yours.
Please share any competitor or reference website which you like most*
Are there any colors that you want incorporated into the website?
What website features and functionality are you looking for? Event CalendarBlogBooking FormBooking CalendarDonationOnline PaymentsContact FormLive ChatGet a QuoteAny other specific features like specific forms, calculators, and more...E-commerce Features
Do you use Google Analytics? YesNo
Any other specific requirements? Please mention if any
Anticipated budget (in USD) less than $499$499 - $999$999 - $1999$1999 - $4999depanding on Project
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